Workshops and Keynote Presentations
Moving Makes Us Smarter
Is there a fountain of youth? Yes, but you don’t drink from it. You walk, run, bike, sprint, swing, paddle, skate, swim, dance—in short, MOVE to it. In this 30-60 minute presentation, world champion speaker and speech coach Arabella Bengson brings research findings that conclusively show the massive benefits of enhancing your brain and body through movement, and the dire consequences of inactivity.

This is a fully energetic, participative, multi-media program that gives scientific findings showing movement, is not only crucial to life, but also a method of learning and presenting that sticks. Toastmasters are encouraged to use strategies demonstrated here to enliven and dramatically enhance their own presentations, and make the audience remember their message. You will learn, laugh, and love your brain and body the way it is now, and discover ways to enhance your brain and your presentations till your golden years.
Participants are encouraged to use strategies demonstrated here to enliven and dramatically enhance their work, presentations, and home life. You will learn, laugh, and love your brain and body the way it is now, and discover ways to enhance your brain till your golden years.

Present with Fun and Power. Arabella’s dynamic, interactive workshop demonstrates the magic of speech coaching. Unlike ordinary feedback/evaluation, she uses strategies directors use to enhance the performance of their stars. When you have 46 minutes to learn a lot of tips and enjoy the fun video, Click on videos in this website, : https:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=P6udfnmPY0Y to see Arabella’s coaching session: “The Winning Edge” ▶ 46:50
After giving tips to make a speech fun, Arabella works with volunteers with a PREPARED 2 minute speech (or part of a speech). She’ll coach each volunteer and get the audience to participate in this very dynamic, exhilarating process she used to win the “World Championship of Public Speaking.”
- After giving tips to make a speech fun, Arabella works with volunteers with a PREPARED 2 minute speech (or part of a speech). She’ll coach each volunteer and get the audience to participate in this very dynamic, exhilarating process she used to win the “World Championship of Public Speaking.”
- This is the same process she uses to professionally coach speakers from beginners to professionals, ages 9 to 89. Volunteer speeches should be fully prepared and memorized, just waiting to be polished to brilliance.
Both volunteer and audience see before their eyes, some very dynamic improvements. The workshop is fun, interactive and inspiring. Time required: At least 80 minutes.

Weave a Little Magic with Stories
Always a hit with audiences, this session highlights the benefits, and tips for including stories in their presentations. The most participative part: audiences are placed in small groups with the goal to create or present a story to the audience by one representative or more. Presenters are coached to tell their story more effectively, more delightfully, and dynamically. Time Required: At least 1 hour, more participation and coaching with more time.
Among her speech and workshop topics are: “Moving Makes Us Smarter;” “Manage Midlife and Later Years”; “Brain Boosters for Fun and Practice”, “Design Your Destiny”; “Accelerated Training strategies for Super Teachers and Trainers”, “Weave Magic with Stories”, “Dynamic Interpretive Reading” or one tailored to your group needs
Click on the following:
- Workshops and Keynote Presentations: some speech topics and titles for you to choose from. Possibility for a presentation tailor-made for your needs
- Videos that show Arabella’s effective and engaging speaking styles:
“Maximize Performance” Demo video—snippets of different topics for training workshops and keynote speeches.
“The Winning Edge” Fun and effective coaching strategies to get participants to “Present with Fun and Power”.
“Design Your Destiny” Demo video of a short keynote speech.