Present with Fun and Power!
Copyright 2023 updated by Arabella Bengson, M.A.,
World Champion Speaker and World Class Speech Coach
- What to prepare: A presentation that:
- addresses audience needs
- challenges the mind
- touches the heart
- tickles the funnybone
- involves the whole person

- How to prepare
- Test, re-work and re-write your material
- Prepare psychologically, physically
- Practice, practice, practice
- How to practice
- Before as many different audiences as possible
- Use the coaching process – the winning edge
4. How to present: “The Final Polish”
Have high expectations of the audience and yourself
- Visualize your audience’s needs and your ability to fully satisfy them
- Maintain physical and psychological readiness
- Act as a competent, creative and caring professional
- Delight yourself–by giving your very best
Coaching works best when you:
- Use memorized, repeatable passages from a speech
- Ask for specific suggestions
- Acknowledge and try every idea your coach offers
- Mark your script showing pauses, rises, falls, speed-ups, draw stick figures,
- gestures, facial expressions, cues for audio/visual/props use, or to refer to handouts.
- Incorporate suggestions which fit your presentation and personal style
- Record your practice sessions; listen to your final presentation again and again.

Is NOT in the TROPHY –
It is in the STRIVING.
Knowing you have DONE YOUR VERY BEST –
That is the Winning Edge!

Though English is not her native language, Arabella Bengson won the World Championship of Public Speaking—the only Canadian woman and one of a handful of women in the world to have done so. She coaches: students to CEOs, beginning speakers to professional presenters, financial planners to corporation directors and enthusiasts from all walks of life.
She has Masters degrees in Speech and Psychology and has taught at the Universities of Hawaii and Toronto. She uses brain-based strategies in all her speeches.
Her topics include: “Moving Makes Us Smarter; Take Charge of Change; Manage Midlife and Later Years; Brain Boosters for Fun and Practice; Design Your Destiny; Weave Magic with Stories; Dynamic Interpretive Reading; Games and Stimulations” or one tailored to your group needs.
See her 7-minute winning speech at www.arabellabengson.com
For speaking or coaching sessions (in person or via WhatsApp, Zoom or FaceTime,
call/ text +52 (322) 330-6060 or Email: arabellabengson@gmail.com
Click on the following:
- Workshops and Keynote Presentations: some speech topics and titles for you to choose from. Possibility for a presentation tailor-made for your needs
- Videos that show Arabella’s effective and engaging speaking styles:
“Maximize Performance” Demo video—snippets of different topics for training workshops and keynote speeches.
“The Winning Edge” Fun and effective coaching strategies to get participants to “Present with Fun and Power”.
“Design Your Destiny” Demo video of a short keynote speech.